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Sunday, March 18, 2007

found it.


i found my journal on saturday morning while i was putting new sheets on my bed.

this weekend was fun; i watched two KU games in their entirety and i'm somehow becoming a fan of their run to an NCAA title this year. my friend skylar was visiting and we hung out saturday night and all-day today.

i'm making good on some vacation time this month. i'll be retreating on two different extended weekends. i really, really look forward to that time. (it really can't come quick enough right now)

ideal self
what is ideal self? is there a part of your life you're just waiting to come together? is there a place you'll arrive when everything will come together and things will be good? when music will become more brilliant? when work will seem lighter? i've discovered that two years ago, the job i have now was my ideal self. and now that i am here, i'm not satisfied. but that kind of focus is on the here & now.

as a 20-something Christian, where should my focus be? should it be on a good job? working towards a raise? finding a spouse whom i adore? getting my own mortgage? paying off my college debt? or should it be any of these things? my mind tells me that these are the things i should build my future upon.

each one is a responsible thing to do, but is it something that makes or breaks my happiness? are these things that I really can trust in or rely on? read psalm 90. the entire passage talks about humbling ourselves to look outside of money for our comfort. here's a small part of the chapter.

"Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love,
so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives."
psalm 90.14 (NLT)

1 comment:

教育 said...

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