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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

good things

i've many reasons to praise God for all the joy He has brought me lately. i could make a list, maybe i will. it goes something like this:

--at work, yesterday and today both ended with a really tough project coming my way. not tough in terms of "do i know how to do it" but tough in terms of "i can't get it done that quickly". but i did. i went ahead and tried to get beyond all the drama and insanity and just finished the job. i made people happy in the process and it felt sort of good.

--i've got a great team of people to learn from and listen to each day

--i've got a great team to share Jesus with

--charlie hall played worship at my church tonight. thanks chuck for your vulnerability!

--i don't like that girl or this girl. i've got my heart set on one girl. the girl. the girl i've liked for several, several years. do i surprise her? do i just start pursuing her? do i try to win her heart? do i break all the rules? do i try to approach this as a logical conversation? what does that look like?

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